Selasa, 04 September 2012

TT Immunization

My friend suddenly complained of pain. When I asked her, she said that she just had been immunized with TT. Next week she will get married, I remember that I had told him to not injected with TT. But she said KUA wouldn’t pass the requirements of marriage if the bride has not been injected with TT.

TT stands for Tetanus toxoid, it is a vaccine that is used to prevent tetanus infection. Tetanus is a disease caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. This bacteria enter through open wounds and produces toxin then attacks the central nervous system. These bacteria are commonly found in soil, so it can be found in dust, fertilizer, animal waste, and garbage.

TT immunization is a requirement that is highly recommended to do before the wedding in Indonesia. It is said that this immunization is encouraged because of the scourge of infant mortality in Indonesia.

Tetanus affects infants called Tetanus neonatorum. Tetanus usually affects babies that are born in the place that is not clean and don’t use a sterile tools for childbirth. It can also caused by a history of the pregnant women who may be hurt before the birth that the wound contains tetanus bacteria.
But apparently, immunization is not free of the side effects. The symptoms are such as fatigue, redness at the injection site, and sometimes fever. Those had been experienced by my friend. But it just happened for 1 until 3 days.

TT does not need?
Beside the benefits, I still support the idea that the human body already has its own immune system that can fight the foreign invaders. So,  no need to enter a foreign bacteria or viruses to our body even though they are impaired. But of course we have to keep our self healthy by doing a health lifestyle so that our immune system is able to fight the disease agents. Because, when we're not in healthy condition, many disease agents can cause illness for us.

you can visit this side for further information about natural immunization.

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