Senin, 24 September 2012

Cita - Cita

Suatu malam seorang kawan bertanya padaku, “Dek Rya cita-citanya apa?”. Aku bingung, cita-citaku? Apa ya? Sesaat itu aq merasa bodoh sekali, masak aq gak punya cita-cita? Lalu aq hidup untuk apa?

Waktu kecil, ketika seorang anak ditanya oleh guru atau orangtua mereka tentang cita-cita, biasanya jawaban yang muncul adalah ingin menjadi dokter, polisi, perawat, insinyur, guru, pilot, arsitek, penulis, pelukis, dan semacamnya. Sebuah profesi.

Begitupun aq, waktu kecil cita2ku adalah menjadi seorang guru. Terinspirasi oleh guru2ku yang mengajar dengan sepenuh hati, memampukanku untuk membaca dan menulis, mengetahui banyak hal, dll. Menginjak remaja, cita2 itu tetap tidak berubah. Hanya saja aku tidak ingin menjadikan ‘guru’ itu sebagai profesi, makanya aku g’ mau mendaftarkan diri ke Unesa. Alasannya, beberapa guru ada yang pernah mengeluhkan minimnya gaji mereka, mengeluhkan banyaknya pekerjaan mereka, padahal otak luguku sampai saat itu mengatakan bahwa seorang guru itu adalah pahlawan yang tulus, tak peduli apakah mereka akan dihargai atau tidak. Lalu pikirku, aku tetap bisa menjadi guru meskipun aku tidak berada di depan kelas.

Jika cita-cita adalah seperti itu, mengarah pada sebuah profesi, lalu apakah berarti jika telah tercapai maka semuanya selesai? Kenyataannya, semakin beranjak dewasa manusia akan semakin meningkatkan level GOAL mereka. Kecuali sebagian orang yang mungkin sudah merasa nyaman dengan pencapaian yang telah mereka cita-citakan. Atau bahkan sebaliknya, untuk sebagian yang lain justru malah menurunkan level cita2 mereka lantaran merasa tak mampu atau malas memampukan diri. Apapun, setidak2nya mereka punya sesuatu untuk dituju.

Manusia tanpa cita-cita, untuk apa dia hidup? Padahal Allah mengaruniai panca indera untuk disyukuri, otak untuk berfikir, alam untuk dipelajari, serta segala nikmatNya yang tersebar di muka bumi untuk dimanfaatkan secara adil. Termasuk juga Allah memperdampingkan kita dengan kaum dhuafa untuk dicintai, serta diadakanNya bencana, musibah, dan masalah untuk muhasabah diri. Dengan itu semua, kelak manusia akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban :

Tidak akan bergeser kaki seorang hamba sehingga di tanyakan padanya tentang 4 hal: Tentang umurnya untuk apa dia habiskan, tentang masa mudanya untuk apa dia gunakan, tentang ilmunya apakah dia beramal dengannya, dan tentang hartanya darimana dia dapatkan dan kemana dia belanjakan”. (HR. Tirmidzi)

“Gak ada mbak, yang kupunya cuma visi dan misi ^_^”. Jawabku kala itu. Bedanya apa ya antara visi misi dan cita-cita? Aq lebih mudah menjawab ketika kusebutkan rencana ke depanq adalah visi dan misi daripada sebagai sebuah cita-cita. Sebab goal terbesarku yang kuanggap sebagai visi adalah khusnul khotimah. Lalu masak aku harus bilang bahwa cita2ku adalah khusnul khotimah? Makanya aku lebih mudah membahasakannya sebagai sebuah visi dan misi, dimana dalam misi itu aku bebas menentukan step demi step yang akan kulakukan untuk mensukseskan visi terbesar itu.

Hmmm… apapun jalannya, Allah Ghoyyatuna!!!!

“Tidaklah Aku menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan agar mereka beribadah kepada-Ku.” (QS. Adz-Dzariyaat [51]: 56)

Rabu, 05 September 2012

Dokodemo Door!!!

I just know from Yahoo! This year is 100 years before the birth of Doraemon. Wowwww!!!! Would it be that 100 years later Doraemon actually exist? Want to know, but I don’t want to live that long.

Tells about Doraemon, there is one magic tool that really I wanna have it if it really exists. Dokodemo DOOR! \ ^ ^ /

Dokodemo door is a magic door that could lead us to anywhere. Just open the door and think about where we're headed, then the other door will directly lead us to it. Wow! Just imagine, free traffic, saving fuel, don’t need to buy tickets, fast, and don’t be afraid of working late!!! :P

I think it isn’t impossible if Doraemon will really appear for 100 years later. Perhaps now, maybe even since many years ago a research has begun to create a real Doraemon. As if the figure of Doraemon and his magic tools have inspired thousands of young people in Japan to actually make those being real and can be used by real people. Though I'm not sure if their finding would really miraculous as in the movie. There is Allah's power that limit the ability of human beings. But their efforts to realize a dream is deserves to be imitated by us.

Do we include the audience that was inspired

Dream and act!

Indonesian Culture

Indonesia is a country that is very rich in diversity. I Remember my friend’s story when he accompanied a Bule to eat (Bule is a call for foreigners in Indonesia). After a long time, that Bule didn’t touch the food, then my friend asked to him, "Why don’t you eat?". Then that Bule replied, "I read on the internet that the culture in Indonesia has priority over the host to eat first”. Nah lo… wich culture is it?

 Reog in Tengger

It seems that Mr. Bule didn’t know if Indonesia has diverse cultures ^_^. Me in my village sometimes still often miscommunication with my friend in another village due to language and unggah ungguh’ (manners) that are different.

So if you want to learn Indonesian, it's better if you come directly to the tribe that you really want to go. Because custom prevailing in the tribe can be very different from one tribe to another, something that is considered taboo in a region could be even something that very polite in other areas. Amazingly, Indonesia can still be united today. For example, intercultural marriages can be held well, even the culture in their custom areas can be very different and even contradictory.

Hopefully Indonesia can become BALDATUN THOYYIBATUN WA ROBBUN GHOFUR, aamiin

The Danger of Antibiotic

As a drug warehouse keeper, somebody often ask me to give them some kind of medicine. Actually, it is not a problem for me to give what they’ve asked, but sometimes I have to refuse the request if I’m not so sure if the drugs that they have been asked is safe to be consumed freely without a prescription.

Even though I’m not a pharmacist or a doctor, I know a bit about medicine. I know that in addition to the benefits, medicines have some side effects that are sometimes too dangerous. It makes me so careful to not giving medicine freely to everyone. I always say if they can bear the pain it is better to not consuming drugs. I give them another alternative such as keep the diet, or another therapy that I know can reduce the pain without medicine. 

Sometimes I’m afraid if they said I’m stingy because don’t give the medicine that they want. But I have to do that if I don’t want them being worst because of the side effect of the medicine.

One kind of drug that I can’t give freely is Antibiotic. Consuming Antibiotics can increase the risk of antibiotic resistance later. That is why, more often consuming antibiotics is possible more often getting illness. From some articles that I’ve read, antibiotic can’t kill viruses or accelerate healing virus infection. Antibiotic just kill or weaken microorganism (bacteria / parasites). Even, excessive Antibiotic usage will kill the good bacterias in our bodies that are useful for our body.

-use medications wisely-

Again, rather than exposed to the side effects of drugs

Nodame Cantabile

I like this dorama very much. The whole story is not too different with another Japanese Dorama/J-Dorama that tells about a girl that fall in love with a cool and popular boy. But I become interest in this dorama since I knew that beside that love story, this dorama also show us about orchestra.

This is a very sort summary for that film that i took from wikipedia :
Megumi Noda, or "Nodame", is a piano student at Momogaoka, notorious for messiness and eccentric behavior. Despite being very talented, Nodame prefers to play by ear rather than according to the musical score; thus, she is regarded as sloppy and playful.
Shinichi Chiaki, an arrogant, multilingual, perfectionist, is the top student at Momogaoka College of Music and has secret ambitions to become a conductor.
When they meet by accident, Nodame quickly falls in love, but it takes much longer for Chiaki to even begin to appreciate Nodame's unusual qualities. Their relationship causes them both to develop and grow. Because of Nodame, Chiaki gets the opportunity to lead a student orchestra and begins to have a broader appreciation of people's musical abilities. Because of Chiaki, Nodame faces her fears and enters a piano competition.And soon :D

I begin curious about what the meaning of Cantabile. Before, I thought it was Nodame's name ^_^. But finally I found the definition of it. Cantabile is a musical term that means playing with a heave / the singing (canta = singing).

Violin, guitar, piano, I want to be able to play at least one of those instrument. Music can hypnotize me. Music often makes me inspired, happy, or even makes my mood more troubled. But I have to control myself to not too often listening music and make it balance by listening the most beautiful harmony and verse, My Holy Qur'an, it is guidance, science, cure, warning, the manual book for our life on earth. 

Selasa, 04 September 2012

TT Immunization

My friend suddenly complained of pain. When I asked her, she said that she just had been immunized with TT. Next week she will get married, I remember that I had told him to not injected with TT. But she said KUA wouldn’t pass the requirements of marriage if the bride has not been injected with TT.

TT stands for Tetanus toxoid, it is a vaccine that is used to prevent tetanus infection. Tetanus is a disease caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. This bacteria enter through open wounds and produces toxin then attacks the central nervous system. These bacteria are commonly found in soil, so it can be found in dust, fertilizer, animal waste, and garbage.

TT immunization is a requirement that is highly recommended to do before the wedding in Indonesia. It is said that this immunization is encouraged because of the scourge of infant mortality in Indonesia.

Tetanus affects infants called Tetanus neonatorum. Tetanus usually affects babies that are born in the place that is not clean and don’t use a sterile tools for childbirth. It can also caused by a history of the pregnant women who may be hurt before the birth that the wound contains tetanus bacteria.
But apparently, immunization is not free of the side effects. The symptoms are such as fatigue, redness at the injection site, and sometimes fever. Those had been experienced by my friend. But it just happened for 1 until 3 days.

TT does not need?
Beside the benefits, I still support the idea that the human body already has its own immune system that can fight the foreign invaders. So,  no need to enter a foreign bacteria or viruses to our body even though they are impaired. But of course we have to keep our self healthy by doing a health lifestyle so that our immune system is able to fight the disease agents. Because, when we're not in healthy condition, many disease agents can cause illness for us.

you can visit this side for further information about natural immunization.